“All Negotiations Off in Mpls. Strike”

Artifact Type Sources, Trade Journals
Publication The Film Daily
Volume XLII
Number 10
Page Number 1, 4
Place New York
Publication Date October 12, 1927
Transcript Show/Hide

Headline: “All Negotiations Off in Mpls. Strike”

Minneapolis—All negotiations for strike settlement were definitely called off between the Theater Owners Committee and a committee representing local stage hands, operators and musicians. The meeting, held Sunday, could not even reach a point where either side would discuss a contract and realizing the futility of proceeding under the existing conditions, a recommendation was made by two International officers that another meeting be held Monday. Officers feeling that the committees could discuss and possibly reach some basis upon which to negotiate. Sentiment following the bombing of Al Steffes’ Logan theater late Sunday night practically ended all negotiations between the committee. The theater owners committee now refuses to deal with any body except international officers, positively refusing to negotiate with local unions.

Monday night, while running with a full house, the Forest, and F. & R. St. Paul suburban house was bombed but the explosion spent itself on the outside, with only slight damage.

This latest bombing has made the situation even more acute. The same evening a girl was severely burned about the face when someone squirted an atomizer containing a stench preparation on patrons leaving by a side exist. A Hennepin–Orpheum striking stage hand was later arrested and identified as the perpretrator [sic] and at the preliminary hearing next morning was bound over until Thursday after pleading not guilty.

Police protection has been doubled for all theaters in Minneapolis, with an officers stationed in front and in the rear twenty-four hours. The Minneapolis police chief authorized a reward offer of $10,000 for information resulting in the conviction of bombers. Extra precautions are being taken to protect the public against stench bombs.

Business is suffering in suburban houses, but downtown houses are at normal.

Archive The Internet Archive
Read In Context https://archive.org/stream/filmdaily4142newy#page/874/mode/2up
Citation “All Negotiations Off in Mpls. Strike,” The Film Daily, October 12, 1927.
Location MinneapolisMinnesotaSaint Paul
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