“No’west T. O. to Present Requests to Labor”

Artifact Type Sources, Trade Journals
Publication Motion Picture News
Volume XXXV
Number 26
Page Number 2553
Place New York, NY
Publication Date July 1, 1927
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Headline: “No’west T. O. to Present Requests to Labor”

AT a meeting held last week by the entire personnel of the Minneapolis Theatre Owners of the Northwest, Inc., it was unanimously decided after lengthy discussion to ask the musicians, stage hands, and operators of the various Twin-City theatres for a reduction in the wage scales. The wage scale committee was asked to meet with the unions and present the request with an explanation that the prevailing poor business conditions made the move necessary to the welfare of the theatre owners.

A meeting has already been held by the committee with the musicians’ union and it is thought that the musicians will agree to revert as requested to their 1925 scale, which is approximately 5 per cent less than that in effect at present. The stage hands will be asked for a similar reduction and the operations for a 10 per cent reduction. The committee will also request the crafts to substitute a nine months’ contract for the present one- and two-years’ agreements and also to agree to a two weeks’ notice from either side before men shall be discharged or pulled off a job in case of dispute.

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Citation “No’west T. O. to Present Requests to Labor,” Motion Picture News, July 1, 1927.