“De Mille Asserts Talkers Will Improve Our Speech”

Artifact Type Sources, Trade Journals
Publication The Film Daily
Volume L
Number 44
Page Number 5
Place New York, NY
Publication Date November 20, 1929
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Headline: “De Mille Asserts Talkers Will Improve Our Speech”

That the talking films will imorove speech in America is the opinion of Cecil B. DeMille.

“We have been growing steadily more and more careless in our use of the English language until the talkies and the necessity for perfect articulation caught us up short. The talkies have the power to reclaim this situation. By virtue of their very mechanical limitations they are setting up the highest standards of speech we have had.”

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Read In Context https://archive.org/stream/filmdaily4950newy#page/1310/mode/2up
Citation “De Mille Asserts Talkers Will Improve Our Speech,” The Film Daily, November 20, 1929.
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